


The violence among 4,200 earth-borne religions finally upsets the galactic order, resulting in a threat to annihilate the human species. Can it be solved by people alone, even if helped by Artificial Intelligence, or does adjudication require cosmic intervention? And what are the unintended consequences to planet Earth of permanently eradicating war?


Discrete Thoughts Collected Poems

Discrete Thoughts, the fifth book of contemporary poems by Herbert Siegel, the pulse of whose verses are timed to his heartbeats from his signature poems The Core of the Universe to The Soul of Man.

Discrete Thoughts is the first comprehensive and unabridged collection of his poetic achievements absent a variorum.

Life through My Glasses

This collection of poetry offers a unique combination of verse, visual illustration, and verbal “call-outs,” creating a unique, functional approach to the art of poetry.